Marie Curie
"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy.”
With increased focus from shareholders and external bodies to whether value is being maintained in regards to secure leadership, the valid question posed to the Board or Executive Committee is “do you have an exemplary succession planning strategy and are you proactively de-risking the organisation?” Organisations that scramble to find replacements for departing leadership forego an average of $2.5bn in shareholder value. Succession planning is typically “internal and reactive”.
We focus on business critical roles that have the highest impact on strategy and value in the organisation. Our methodology concentrates on the external candidates and their cultivation as part of our client’s competitive strategy. It helps Boards, Chief Executives and Human Resources fully understand the lead talent in the marketplace and provides an advanced complementary programme and head start when needed to conduct a Board/Non-Executive Director or Executive search.
Our approach is far more than a talent mapping exercise providing an estimated 75% improvement in candidate fit and assimilation and performance. It proactively introduces a more diverse pool of potential candidates and achieves an ROI of a minimum of 500%.
Succession Planning is one of the more difficult subjects for boards and the executive to address, we are expert at introducing the conversation and framing the debate. For executive planning we work to a structured timeline however with boards the time span can range from six to twelve months and often three to five years in advance. We are well practiced advising on emergency situations through to well-choreographed successions.